We were all so excited about finally starting a new year and putting all our masks, social distancing, checking in etc etc behind us when Omicron raised it's ugly head. Classes have recommenced under strict guidelines to protect both my students and myself from this very contagious variant. At the Landsborough Art Studio I am very blessed to have a very large studio which allows everyone to social distance comfortably. Personally I have been busy painting up a storm using my pastels and I have been very luck in receiving a set of Unison Portrait Pastels. So looks like a few portraits are coming from behind the easel. My goal is to paint a minimum of 4 major paintings a month with smaller studies thrown in where I can. The recent wet weather has been keeping me out of the garden so cupboards have been cleaned and sorted and painting have been rescued, binned or reworked. Not even the best artists have successful paintings each and every time. In fact I once heard a famous artist claim that only 20% of his paintings he would be happy with and would offer up for exhibition or sale. Here are January's paintings....why not let me know what you think!
Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you all enjoyed a fabulous safe and enjoyable holiday. It was back to work here at the Landsborough Art Studio and for me this week with my first class back yesterday. Numbers are a little slow at this time in the year as not everyone is back from their breaks and we also have added burden of COVID-19 and the Omicron variant to deal with as numbers here explode all around us. It is especially difficult keeping everyone safe and healthy at the moment and at the same time allowing life to proceed forward as best we can, so extra cleaning and precautions are at hand to ensure everyone's safety.
Over the break we did the usual cleaning, sorting in the studio and of course lots of painting. I managed to paint almost everyday and the wet weather gave me an excuse to be inside and not out in the garden tackling those feisty weeds. 2022 will be challenging especially in the coming 6-8 weeks so we need to stay safe and focused. If you cannot attend classes, paint at home. If you need help - ask. I can be e-mailed or if you prefer we could set up a Zoom meeting. Just e-mail me for details. Above are just a couple of my paintings and over the next few days I will be selecting one or two each day and discussing how I painted them and what I did that was perhaps a little different. Some painting I set time limits to of one (1) hour whilst others I did the the course of 1/2 day. Remembering I still had housework and all that non-important stuff to do like you. Let's start with the Peacock. This fellows name was George and he had a girlfriend call Mildred and they live in Rosemoor Gardens in the UK in the Dartmoor area. I loved the bright Turquoises on the black AS Colourfix paper but I found I lost the detail of his face so I re-painted George on White AS Colourfix paper. I gave myself the same amount of time (1/2 day) to paint him. I love the contrast I get on the black paper but I can see his face clearer on the white. Below see the two for a comparison. What do you think? |
AuthorKaren King owns and operates Landsborough Art Studio and is dedicated to the sharing and learning principals in all art. Here you will learn snippets and interesting information which I know you will find intriguing and valuable. Archives
August 2024